Tag Archives: product

Cost Of Not Upgrading Developer’s Computer

Computers and Servers repairing snapshotMany times, there is situation where people in SMB and startup businesses do not upgrade their computers and perhaps their software tools too. Most of these businesses think that it is pretty ‘OK’ to run things as it is ,for years since either they are running the same things.And upgrading systems would add up to their cost.But they eventually forget the cost of loss of productivity of developers. This added cost would certainly pain for customers as well as it can harm your business severely.

Let me give you an example,If there is some code base of your product, which takes 3 minutes to build and compile and run on normal [read upgraded or having latest hardware and software], and you had a machine with your developer which is taking 7 minutes and project would gone up to 24weeks and developer had generally compiled solution even only 50 times per week then you are losing the productive time of 2 Person-Days. Assume, you had 8 working Hours per day.

Time lost in each Build/compilation = 7-3=4 minutes.

24 cal. Weeks = 24 X 50 X (Time lost in each code compilation) = 120 days.

24 cal. Weeks = 24 X 50 X (4) = 4800 Min/60 =80 Person-Hours= 10 Person Days].

So for 6 Calendar Months of work the organization is losing 10 Person days per developer.

Doesn’t that is good eye opener for managers? I think that is quite a lot valuable time and that it is wasted just because you had not upgraded your hardware or software system.

Sometimes, many of us forget that we are using computers just because those damn good and fast machines can do tasks faster than human can think of.

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